Manga Productions is a subsidiary company of Mohammed bin Salman “MiSK” Foundation. It focuses on producing animations, developing video games and comics with creative and positive content targeting all different local and international groups of society to inspiring the heroes of tomorrow.
The movie is one the result of the cooperation between Manga Productions and Japan's Toei Animation, which the two companies started productions in November 2017; where Manga Productions composed the idea of the film and participated in its production to present and spread ancient civilizations in the Arabian Peninsula in an attractive and high-quality animation; to enrich and entertain viewers with extended and timeless content.
Maha lives with her family in the future city of Riyadh. In her daily life, she and her brothers Ryan and Sultan go through many incidents where they face some confusion or hesitation, and need advice and guidance. Here, grandma tells them tales of the beautiful heritage of Arabia, from which they derive interest and lesson.
The woodcutter followed a dream that visited him, from Ushaiqer to Baghdad, in search of something to fill his eye and pocket.
Ghoul's Cave is a free-to-play strategy game like no other, packed with power-ups and card packs to protect your cave and support gatherers, inspired by one of the episodes of the famous Saudi Japanese anime series Future's Folktales.
Dhafer the Champion is a free-to-play runner game like no other. The game is inspired by one of the episodes of the famous Saudi Japanese anime series Future's Folktales. Run from the flood while defeating enemies and collecting bananas. Get the highest score in the leaderboard by earning combos!
Kadi, a selfless farm cat, finds herself lost in a selfish world on the streets, where she sets out to save a domesticated tiger from his abusive owner. Along her journey, she gains friends and enemies of all sizes. This is a modern-day hero’s journey told through the prism of Kadi, the cat, “as she travels across the various regions of Saudi Arabia
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